Global Hegemonic Coke Machine

a revolution is afoot

Thursday, April 19, 2007

weary of my country

I am weary people, just very fucking weary. In the last two days 200 people have been killed in Iraq, 33 people have been killed in Virginia, and last week a woman was murdered in the building right next to mine on the UW campus. The violence alone is enough to make anyone weary...but that isn't it for me.

It is the every day violence that gets me...the every moment violence of the dominant US know, the one that touts freedom but makes lists of the books you check out from the library; the country called the land of the free and home of the brave....which translates in 2007 as the land of the feared and the home of the brazen, emboldended hate and war mongers.

I'm weary people. You must be too. I do not believe that this dominance feeds many of us. People say, but cookie monster what are you talking about? We are a great country. Why....because our platitudes are easy to call up when we need to? Why are we a great country? Because we have freedom? What kind of freedom? For whom?

Here's the scoop: our country was built upon ownership, property, and the desire for more ownership of property to be able to subsist. White men, with property, were the ones who were thought of as people. White women were property, but were at least people for the most part. American Indian/Indigenous folks....well, they were simply disposed of....or at least the attempt was made to dispose of Indigenous peoples. Genocide...and the African Holocaust....that built this country. Our cities, our trade, our lives are soaked with the blood of millions of African and Indigenous men, women, third genders, fourth genders, and children. And we just never look back even to say, what was that we just hit?

What is wrong with us white people. Have you no shame? Have you no memory? Have you no sense of history or interest in something other than yourself and the symbolic god we worship, the almighty dollar. Money is merely a belief system. It doesn't really exist....but man does it create a serious amount of material inequality in the world. We need a philosophical revolution and decide to quit believing in money, quit worshipping at the alter of global capitalism. This world is owned by the World Bank and Multinational coporations.

I'm weary today. We need radical honesty, radical reparations, radical apology, radical change of direction, and the radical idea that fear and scarcity must not rule the day. I'm weary.